Doctor Strange Great mobility.
Excellent absorber of damage.
Self-sufficient tank.
Great survivability, making Strange one of the hardest heroes to kill.
Fantastic at blocking Hela’s ultimate. Slower movement when his Shield of the Seraphim is active, requiring teammates to be near him so he isn’t flanked in this vulnerable state.
Difficult to use due to a surprisingly high skill ceiling.
Requires strategy, especially when teleporting the team. Doctor Strange is relatively easy to understand, but it’s difficult to master his kit. It’s quite easy to throw as this tank if you play him purely defensively. Doctor Strange is meant to get kills, although it’s hard to do so if you’re relying on your shield if facing a highly aggressive composition. Hela Hela is difficult to track and kill, regardless of your accuracy.
She deals great damage with every ability, alongside being the best hero in long-range battles.
She’s hard to spot during her ultimate.
Has a versatile kit that deals a good amount of damage mid-to-long-range. Has a more challenging kit to master, so it may take you a while to learn how to correctly use each ability and be impactful on a team.
Requires accuracy. Hela requires absolute precision and excellent positioning to truly make an impact on a team. While Hela continues to be one of the best characters in Marvel Rivals, she isn’t recommended for new players, as you need to know the best way to counter heros, what their roles are, and how the game works before handling such a powerful weapon. Magneto Acts as the primary protector of the entire team, providing barriers to everyone.
Difficult to kill.
Ensures the battlefield is safe for heroes to reposition, retreat, or push with his barrier placement. Barriers require strategy rather than strictly placing them on a critically low teammate. His ultimate is difficult to use effectively. Magneto is a challenging Vanguard for its defensive kit alone. He takes a lot of strategy and patience to use, so he’s not for the diving kind. This character needs to pay attention to his teammates at all times and correctly aid a friend when they need his shields most. This requires you to focus more with Magneto than other Vanguards. Hawkeye Best hero to use if you enjoy getting headshots.
Capable of one-shotting Duelists and Strategists.
Effective at pressuring the opposition.
Excellent at quickly shooting down flying heroes. You need to be highly accurate to use him.
Terrible fighting close-range, making Iron Fist, Wolverine, and Black Panther his worst nightmare.
Restricted movement and slow firing rate. Hawkeye is a balancing act of managing his limited movement with highly accurate headshots. You need to be consistent with his bow while simultaneously keeping an eye out for divers looking to take you and Strategists out of the match. Mister Fantastic Decent mobility with excellent range and damage output.
Has a very balanced kit that supports his teammates with shields and his presence, alongside being able to keep the
Combines Hulk form with Venom’s long reach in a manageable kit. Has a weak ultimate.
His kit is predictable, making him easy to counter when ignoring his Reflexive Rubber form. Mister Fantastic acts like a small tank, making him difficult to use if you always pick DPS characters. His method of attack is to absorb damage and throw it back at his enemies. This means you need to think before you attack rather than mindlessly running in. Winter Soldier Can defend his team and himself from mobility heroes.
Easily wins one-versus-ones against all roles. Has a highly versatile kit with a powerful ultimate. Terrible long-range.
Slow mobility.
Limited to three rounds per magazine, meaning accuracy is important to use Winter Soldier effectively. With three rounds per mag, Winter Soldier requires precision at all times. He has a versatile kit that’s capable of killing anyone, but this puts pressure if you can’t keep track of how the game’s going. You need to be everywhere at once, adapting to each play the enemy team attempts to throw at you. Namor Sel-sufficient Duelist. Distracts enemies, allowing himself and the team to deal damage to opposing heroes who aren’t paying attention.
Large AoE ultimate.
Great damage at all ranges. While he can temporarily protect himself, he is trapped within this animation, meaning enemies can quickly kill him as soon as he exits his safety net. His octopus sentries are somewhat useless. Similar to Hela, Namor requires excellent accuracy. He’s self-sufficient, putting a lot of pressure on you as these types of DPS heroes are expected to be the kill leaders. Psylocke Easy-to-use ultimate that can one-shot enemies within its radius.
Best solo hero as you can quickly navigate the map, ambush unsuspecting enemies, and retreat for health without being spotted.
Great at flanking or hiding within the objective to stall time. Can be killed quickly if you don’t have Psychic Stealth available. Healing from Strategists isn’t guaranteed with this pick. Psylocke requires more strategy than other Duelists as she can turn invisible. You cannot rely on this to solve all problems, so use it wisely. She easily moves around the map, but it’s unlikely you will get the heals you need, meaning you have to deal with whatever comes your way as you stray from your team to pick off the backline. Invisible Woman Can deal two forms of healing, either from her projectiles (base attack) or by placing Guardian Shields that she can use to heal herself.
Balanced kit that offers good ticking damage.
A wide range of attacks as a Strategist, with the opportunity to boop enemies off the map or deal a finishing blow to critically low Duelists and Vanguards.
Good mobility with the added bonus of turning invisible, letting her safely reposition.
Small and manageable cooldowns. Minimal damage from her base attack against all classes.
Needs to stick with the team at all times.
Weak in a one-versus-one. Invisible Woman can deal consistent damage and healing, but it’s in her shield and ultimate where her difficulty starts. Strategists’ ultimates require precise timing, perfectly executed at a moment your team needs it most. She’s often played as a supportive DPS, and if you’re picking her for this reason, you should cast your eyes to Adam Warlock or Luna Snow instead. Loki Excellent at wasting enemies’ time with his clones.
You can confuse enemies further by switching between clones, making you a hard target to track and kill. He has the best survivability of all Strategists. Deals minimal damage if clone numbers have depleted.
Forced to play at the back; otherwise, your position will be revealed, and you will be punished for overextending.
His kit could easily be replaced by Punisher’s turrets or Parker’s mines.
Compared to other Strategists, there’s a lot to manage and keep track of as Loki. Loki’s difficulty to kill makes him an attractive pick, but you shouldn’t hide away and rely on his clones. This means you need to manage your clones and healing, keep repositioning, and help your team instead of retreating from the enemy line of sight. This makes him a tougher Strategist to manage compared to others. Groot Excellent at closing off enemies’ line of sight or holding a position.
Can trap enemies with his walls. Has a powerful ultimate that disrupts plays and enemy ults. While he has a very balanced kit, Groot is far weaker than other tanks (both defensively and offensively).
One of the easiest Vanguards to kill as long-range heroes (Hawkeye, Iron Man, Hela, or Black Widow). His wall placements are crucial in utilizing his kit correctly. Acting similarly to building in Fortnite, you can manipulate the walls, but this takes time and practice to perfect. He’s weaker than other Vanguards, but his kit is strong in the right hands, making him a hero with strategy and being two steps ahead of the opposition on his mind at all times. Venom Near impossible to kill due to Venom‘s ridiculously high health pool.
Has armor when critically low, making him self-sufficient.
The perfect distraction for your Duelists to get into prime positions, be it to flank, ambush, or secure the objective.
An absorber of damage.
Can kill multiple enemies at once with his ultimate, best placed on the objective when the opposing team is trying to capture/move it. Limited movement and abilities that lower his overall threat level.
Surprisingly hard to master even though his abilities are rather basic. Although he has a high health pool, a weak Venom can die incredibly fast, quickly becoming a throw pick. Venom has an incredibly easy kit to understand, but this makes him a throw pick in the wrong hands. Many beginners may feel like Venom is perfect for them because of his high health pool, but he will get picked off quickly if you continue to run in on your own.

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