Yahoo Sports’ Jason Fitz is joined by Green Bay Packers Josh Jacobs at Super Bowl LIX Radio Row who discusses stand out career moments, his first Lambeau Leap and how he got to where he is today.

Video Transcript

We are hanging out with running back Josh Jacobs, Green Bay Packers running back.

I have to say that now as a lifelong diehard Raiders fan.

That’s hard for me.

He’s joining us on behalf of USAA.

We’ll get to that in just a 2nd.

1st, my friend, playing a game.

It’s called What’s in the Tarot cards.

I deal out three cards face down.

You pick one, we flip it over, and there’s a question that goes with it.

I was Oh, he’s definitive.

He went straight to the right, he gets the chariot with Andy Reid sitting on a big old chariot.

Chariot is victory and success.

You’ve had a lot of it, all right?

So what, when you look back on your career, hard to do while you’re playing, what’s the one moment that stands out to you that you look back on and you think, man, that was it.

That was, that was the, the moment that really hit my heart.

Any of the playoff games, obviously the most recent one just because it’s still fresh on my mind but I would say that’s probably the biggest thing you know it’s weird when you play in playoff games that you know that every like the important details of every situation, every play because you know that if you lose you’re going home, you don’t get to do it again um so for me.

It’s just like I felt like it was a different version of myself out there like every play I was trying to do it, you know, as best as I could trying to create, um, trying to, you know, um, excite the team and things like that.

Alright, which one you got now?

We’re gonna go back here.

Oh, she’s running, he’s running down the back.

He gets, uh, what is that, the Hermit.

Has Aaron Rodgers on it fairly appropriately all right, so the hermit is self reflection.

I think this one’s kind of interesting for you because we all know the draft story.

Like there was a period in your life when you were homeless, like you had nothing and now you’re a superstar in the NFL.

How does where you came from influence where you are today?

Oh, I would say it has the biggest factors on me just just as a person and as a man, um.

Uh, you know, from characteristics of, you know, uh, things instilled in me as, as a young kid and, um, obviously going through those hardships, it kind of prepares you for a lot of things, um, when things get hard, injuries or, or whatever, you know how to like look at the grand scheme of things and um it also motivates me to never go back to where I, where I came right, so you’re joining us on behalf of USAA.

Tell everybody what you’re working on.

Yeah, so I’m here with USAA and to be able to be able to give back to the guys that’s the real heroes, I feel like.

You know that makes our day to day lives a lot easier and things like that yeah appreciate that thank you man.

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