The last step in GHOUL://RE is getting a Kakuja and the devs won’t tell you how to unlock it, but is it even possible? You can find some Kakuja showcases on YouTube leading you to believe you can, but there’s more to the story here.

Can you unlock Kakuja in GHOUL://RE?

According to the GHOUL://RE owner, yes, you can unlock Kakuja in the game. In an interview from YouTuber xyuc with GHOUL://RE owner Feixerre, we know that you can indeed unlock the Kakuja, but the requirements are “very specific” and “indirect.” He also said the team will probably leave more obvious hints for players.

There is currently no known way of getting the Centipede Kakuja in GHOUL://RE. If you go to the Trello board or check the GHOUL://RE Discord server, you’ll see no one has discovered how to get it.

What is Kakuja in GHOUL://RE?

The Kakuja is what can be considered a special form, taking attacks to the next level. In this Roblox game, you can activate the Kakuja for some time to deal special attacks that deal a lot more damage. From the showcases on YouTube, you know you can activate the Kakuja when the purple bar in the bottom right corner of the screen is full, and it has a one-hour cooldown time.

In the Tokyo Ghoul manga and anime, the Kakuja form is a Kagune mutation that happens when ghouls cannibalize other ghouls, increasing the concentration of RC cells in the body. The Kakuja takes over the ghoul’s whole body, but there are also half Kakujas which only cover one limb or part of the body.

There is only the Centipede Kakuja in the game so far and it’s based on Kaneki’s Kakuja from Tokyo Ghoul, but it doesn’t cover the whole character’s body. Instead, only the centipede limbs come out from the character’s back.

How to unlock the Centipede Kakuja in GHOUL://RE Roblox

If you see the Kakuja showcases on YouTube, the content creators got the Kakuja by being moderators or having direct contact with the devs and being boosted. Even though xyuc got his Centipede Kakuja by being a moderator and giving himself the Kakuja, he left a hint for those who wish to unlock it.

There is no way of knowing if the hints he listed are true, but you can start from there and see if you can unlock it. Here is what he said you’ll need to have and do to unlock the Kakuja in GHOUL://RE:

  • Have Kaneki.
  • Unlock stages one and two of the Ken Kagune.
  • Reach Max Rank.
  • There is an NPC that tells you your Kakuja progress.
  • Permadeath is extremely important.

Since xyuc highlighted the importance of player death, that must be the key to unlocking the Centipede Kakuja for those who are currently trying to unlock it.

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