Ubisoft is looking to bring a fresh spin to the Star Wars universe with open-world Star Wars Outlaws—and you can play it ahead of its full release with early access now.
The Star Wars Outlaws early access period has officially begun, letting everyone take a journey alongside Kay Vess and her crew to explore the underbelly of the Empire. New and returning planets and groups feature as you lie, cheat, and steal your way across the galaxy.
If you want to play Star Wars Outlaws early and literally steal a living, we’ve got you covered.
How to play Star Wars Outlaws early
To play Star Wars Outlaws early access, pre-order the Ultimate or Gold Edition before the official release date (Aug. 30) to get into early access, which as officially begun.
Here’s how to pre-order the title and get into early access:
- Purchase a digital version of Star Wars Outlaws Ultimate or Gold Edition.
- Check your emails, or official account on the place you purchased it from, for a code for Outlaws.
- Enter it into your platforms’ storefront.
- Download the game—make sure you have enough space on the hard drive first!
- Once it’s installed, you will be able to play Star Wars Outlaws up to 72 hours before the release date.
Your desire for early access and spending more money on Star Wars Outlaws depends on how excited you are for the fresh IP. After the success of EA’s Star Wars Jedi franchise, Ubisoft is throwing its hat into the ring using its signature blend of open-world design and gratuitous collectible grabbing.
If Outlaws’ fresh take on the Star Wars universe and use of thieves as the central premise sounds appealing and you want to play it early, the Gold and Ultimate Editions are the only way to secure three days of access before its main launch.
If more ways of procuring Star Wars Outlaws early access become available, we’ll be sure to update this guide, so keep checking back.
Read the full article here