Birds help you increase the animal population on any island and help repair islands recovering from corruption in Aloft. However, you can’t attract birds without finding the schematics for building a Bird House in Aloft.
How to get the Bird House recipe in Aloft
The best way to quickly find the Bird House crafting recipe is to explore islands and search for the quest that requires you to “Fix Broken Habitats” when you look at the Field Guide. These habitats are actually Bird Houses and you can find many of them, especially on islands with many infected.
The islands in your save are random, so there’s no guaranteed method to find one with the Fix Broken Habitats quest. However, if you keep on exploring and know what you’re looking for, you’ll find one soon enough. Once you find the island with a Bird House that needs repairs, you just need to gather materials to fix it.
You can fix a damaged Bird House by using your Hammer as long as you have one Wood and one Leaf Cloth to repair it. You get Wood by chopping down trees with the Stone Axe, and you can craft a Leaf Cloth using three Leaves which can be acquired by using a Scythe on bushes.
The final step is to sketch the Bird House after repairing it, for which you need a Sketch Book and one Paper and one Charcoal for the sketch itself. You can craft the Sketch Book from the crafting tab with the following materials:
- 2 Wood
- 1 Paper
- 1 Charcoal
You can find Paper lying around the map, or you can craft it with Paper Pulp. As for Charcoal, you need to cut burnt tree stumps. Now just equip your Sketch Book in front of the Bird House, activate Sketching Mode with right-click, and then sketch using left-click. With all the previous steps complete, you will get the recipe for the Bird House in Aloft.
How to craft a Bird House in Aloft
Once you have the recipe, you just need to build your own Bird House from the crafting menu. Here is all the materials you need to craft a Bird House in Aloft.
You can get Turf by using your Dorktip on Grass, which is simple enough. Rope can only be crafted from the Workbench or Crafting Menu by using two Mykter Fibre. You can only get Mykter Fiber by defeating corrupted Mushroom creatures or by destroying corrupted Nodes.
Now you can attract common birds to restore the corrupted Islands’ ecosystem by increasing the ecosystem’s animal count. Only a single Bird House can be in effect per island. More birds will not gather even if you build more Bird Houses on the same island.
While you’re here, you can also check out the complete list of all console commands in Aloft to make your life easier and this list of all cooking recipes, too.
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