These are some of the best teams you can use while participating in the Ultra League.

Preparing for the Ultra League in Pokémon Go means you’ll have to round up certain Pokémon to get them ready to fight. The Ultra League requires slightly stronger Pokémon than the ones in the Great League, and some choices are better than others.

There are multiple Pokémon you could potentially use on your team. Depending on what choices you have in your roster could prove difficult, it also comes down to putting them together on a worthwhile team. These are some of the best teams you can make for the Ultra League in Pokémon Go.

Best Ultra League teams in Pokémon Go

When competing against other players in the Ultra League, your Pokémon need to be at least 2,500 CP. You want to get as close to this strength as possible without going over to have the best chance to stand up to your opponents. You can use nearly any Pokémon that meets those requirements, as there are far fewer restrictions on your roster like you’d experience in the Scroll Cup or the Willpower Cup.

These are some of the best teams you can use when facing off against other opponents in Pokémon Go‘s Ultra League.

Corviknight, Skeledirge and Cradily

Corviknight is easily one of the strongest Pokémon you can put on your team when competing in the Ultra League. It’s stats make it exceptionally bulky and even trickier for other Pokémon to defeat it. That’s why you want it to be your last choice on your team. For your first choice to use against your opponenent, place out Cradily. When Cradily begins to get too low, swap it out for Skeledirge, which your opponent will likely waste their shields to protect against this Pokémon’s attacks. This is a potent combination, but if you only have a Corviknight, that’s a Pokémon that works on nearly any team.

Pokémon Type Best moveset
Corviknight Steel and Flying-type Sand Attack (fast move), Sky Attack, and Iron Head
Skeledirge Fire and Ghost-type Incinerate (fast move), Torch Song, and Shadow Ball
Cradily Rock and Grass-type Bullet Seed (fast move), Rock Tomb, and Grass Knot

Grumpig, Galarian Weezing, and Mandibuzz

The featured Pokémon I want to recommend is Grumpig for this next team. It’s a new choice, given its added moveset for the Might and Mastery season. You can use it as your first or last choice, and teaming up with Galarian Weezing and Mandibuzz turns it into a powerful choice. If you have Grumpig as your first choice, make sure Mandibuzz is the last, or swap these two positions. Regardless, swap out your starting option with Galarian Weezing when they get too weak. Galarian Weezing can burn down an opponent’s shields with its rapid attacks and charged moves.

Pokémon Type Best moveset
Grumpig Psychic-type Psywave (fast move), Shadow Ball, and Dynamic Punch
Galarian Weezing Poison and Fairy-type Fairy Wind (fast move), Sludge, and Brutal Swing
Mandibuzz Dark and Flying-type Snarl (fast move), Dark Pulse, and Aerial Ace

Lapras, Primeape, and Clefable

Another Pokémon that has a moveset up for the Might and Mastery season is Lapras, whose new attacks make it capable of spamming its attacks and burning an opponent’s shields. Because of its defensive stats, most teams will struggle to bring it down effectively. You can team it up with Clefable, a great final choice, and Primape, who can cut through most teams with aggressive attacks. This team might struggle against Flying and Electric-types, and you can swap Primeape out for Gastrodon, Stunfisk, or Forretress if you get countered too often.

Pokémon Type Best moveset
Lapras Water and Ice-type Psywave (fast move), Sparkling Aria, and Ice Beam
Primeape Fighting-type Karate Chop (fast move), Rage Fist, and Close Combat
Clefable Fairy-type Fairy Wind (fast move), Swift, and Moonblast

Giratina (Altered), Gastrodon, and Steelix

This next team welcomes Giratina in its Altered form, a powerful Ghost and Dragon-type. For anyone who has this Legendary Pokémon in their roster, it’s always a good choice to consider for your Ultra League team. Alongside it, you can use Gastrodon and Steelix, which are always fantastic. These two Pokémon are frequently must-have picks in the Ultra League. You can use Steelix as you last option, given its robust defense, and Gastrodon can swap out whenever you want to give your Giratina a quick break.

Pokémon Type Best moveset
Giratina (Altered) Ghost and Dragon-type Shadow Claw (fast move), Dragon Claw, and Shadow Sneak
Gastrodon Water and Ground-type Mud Slap (fast move), Body Slam, and Earth Power
Steelix Steel and Ground-type Thunder Fang (fast move), Psychic Fangs, and Breaking Swipe

Feraligatr (shadow), Runerigus, and Registeel

For our last team, we have Feraligatr as the primary choice. You can choose to use it in the lead or final spot. I recommend the shadow version, but using the standard version is also acceptable if you want more bulk. It has more defenses in the normal form. To back it up, I recommend placing it with Registeel and Runerigus. With Registeel, Feraligatr won’t be the final choice. Registeel is a far better option as your final Pokémon, and Runerigus can rotate out between those two, doing plenty of damage.

Pokémon Type Best moveset
Feraligatr (shadow) Water-type Shadow Claw (fast move), Hydro Cannon, and Ice Beam
Runerigus Ground and Ghost-type Shadow Claw (fast move), ;Rock Tomb, and Shadow Ball
Registeel Steel-type Lock On (fast move), Focus Blat, and Zap Cannon

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