Syndicates are your best friends and worst enemies in Star Wars Outlaws. Throughout your journey, you’re going to have to work with criminal groups—often against other criminal groups. This will lead to changing relationships and rewards with different Syndicates.
While you don’t necessarily have to completely alienate one Syndicate to gain a good reputation with another in Star Wars Outlaws, it usually is the case that completing a job for one organization won’t go down well with another. And your reputation with each Syndicate will determine how they treat you, possibly making some jobs easier—or more difficult if a Syndicate particularly dislikes you and just wants to shoot you on sight. Earning a high reputation with a Syndicate also can get you some rewards, both cosmetic and gameplay-altering.
Read on for all you need to know about Outlaws‘ Syndicates, their rewards, and how reputation works.
How reputation works in Star Wars Outlaws
In Star Wars Outlaws, reputation is everything. It affects how different Syndicates treat you, the deals you can get from vendors, the jobs you can go on, and even the outcome of different missions, which can vary depending on the choices you make. Generally speaking, completing missions for a Syndicate or making choices that favor them will raise your reputation with that Syndicate.
Getting caught trespassing in Syndicate territory, being seen fighting with Syndicate members, or betraying a Syndicate on a job will lower your reputation with them. Every Syndicate will give you the following rewards or hindrances depending on your reputation with them.
Terrible reputation (lowest)
- Syndicate leader sends kill squads to hunt you down until you raise your reputation.
- Syndicate members shoot at you on sight, and you’re not allowed in Syndicate districts.
- Syndicate members don’t want to talk to you, and won’t pay you well for contracts.
- Merchants affiliated with the Syndicate will raise prices for you.
Bad reputation
- Syndicate members shoot at you on sight, and you’re not allowed in Syndicate districts.
- Syndicate members don’t want to talk to you, and won’t pay you well for contracts.
- Merchants affiliated with the Syndicate will raise prices for you.
Poor reputation (neutral)
- Syndicate members shoot at you on sight, and you’re not allowed in Syndicate districts.
- Syndicate members may throw you a job offer, giving you the chance to earn a better reputation.
Good reputation
- You’re welcome in Syndicate districts, but stealing will go poorly for you if you’re spotted.
- Syndicate members trust you and will offer jobs.
- Merchants affiliated with the Syndicate will give you discounts and offer more exclusive items.
- Syndicate-specific reward.
Excellent reputation
- You’re welcome in Syndicate districts and can take anything you want.
- Syndicate members will offer you the best jobs.
- Merchants affiliated with the Syndicate will give you larger discounts and offer more exclusive items.
- Two Syndicate-specific rewards.
Max reputation (highest)
- Four Syndicate-specific rewards.
If your reputation with a Syndicate gets too low, you can usually find jobs to raise your reputation with them through neutral contract brokers like Danka, or that Syndicate might even reach out to you with a job opportunity as something of a last-chance peace offering. There are also opportunities within missions to double-cross the Syndicate that offered you a job—pay attention to how this might affect your relationship with multiple Syndicates and pick which ones you want to go with.
All Syndicates, rewards, and which faction you should choose in Star Wars Outlaws
Every Syndicate has its own rewards given to players that achieve a reputation of Good or higher. Many of these rewards affect your gameplay, so certain Syndicates might be better to side with depending on how you want to play.
Pyke Syndicate
The Pykes feel the closest to a classic mob in Outlaws, generally running like a classic organized crime Syndicate does, and they’re the controlling interest on Toshara. If you like shooting your Blaster and getting into fights a lot, siding with the Pykes is a good choice for you.
Pyke rewards:
- (Good) Imperial Coating Blaster skin.
- (Excellent) Pyke Syndicate crest: Small chance to gain a free grenade when thrown.
- (Excellent) Trailblazer ship parts bundle: Parts to upgrade your ship.
- (Max) Imperial Chestbox Nix cosmetic.
- (Max) Imperial Disguise Jacket: Greatly increases adrenaline gain on hits with blaster. Increases Power Module damage.
- (Max) Imperial Disguise Belt: Restore health for each enemy defeated during Adrenaline Rush. Increases Power Module heat capacity.
- (Max) Imperial Disguise Pants: Increases accuracy when shooting from the hip or on the run. Blaster is Supercooled after using Adrenaline Rush.
- Equipping all three Imperial Disguise pieces on Kay helps avoid detection by Imperials and lets you lose Wanted levels much faster while your relationship is Good or better with the Pykes.
Crimson Dawn
The Crimson Dawn is basically everywhere, sneakily trying to control as much territory as possible and is usually a thorn in the side of all the other Syndicates. If you want a bunch of buffs to stealth, max your reputation with the Crimson Dawn.
Crimson Dawn rewards:
- (Good) Crimson Reign Coating Blaster skin.
- (Excellent) Crimson Dawn Crest: Increases ability to avoid detection.
- (Excellent) Speeder parts bundle: Gain materials for upgrading your Speeder.
- (Max) Crimson Reign Satchel Nix cosmetic.
- (Max) Crimson Reign Tunic: Gain a large amount of Adrenaline when performing stealth takedowns, and increase ability to avoid detection.
- (Max) Crimson Reign Belt: Stealth takedowns restore health, increase to your grenade capacity.
- (Max) Crimson Reign Trousers: Increases crouched movement speed, decreases movement noise, and increases Adrenaline gained from sneaking near hostile enemies.
- Equipping all three Crimson Reign pieces on Kay recharges your Stun Shot when enemies are caught in a Smoke Bomb, and hitting an enemy with Stun Shot resets Smoke Bomb cooldown when your reputation with Crimson Dawn is Good or higher.
Hutt Cartel
Ah, the Hutts. The rulers of Tatooine aren’t very subtle, and you won’t be either if you want to get into their good graces. The Hutt rewards focus on helping you tank more damage and also make you blow stuff up more effectively. If you’re using grenades constantly, side with the Hutts.
Hutt rewards
- (Good) Boonta Brawler Coating Blaster skin
- (Excellent) Hutt Cartel Crest: Reduces damage taken from melee attacks.
- (Excellent) Blaster parts bundle: Materials for upgrading your Blaster.
- (Max) Boonta Brawler Splash Nix cosmetic
- (Max) Boonta Brawler Jacket: Increases ammo capacity on weapons you pick up, reduces damage taken from Blasters and projectile weapons.
- (Max) Boonta Brawler Belt: Increases grenade capacity and explosion radius.
- (Max) Boonta Brawler Pants: Reduces damage taken while sprinting and from explosions.
- Equipping all three Boonta Brawler pieces on Kay greatly increases Adrenaline when defeating enemies with grenades and gives you one grenade for every enemy defeated during Adrenaline Rush when your reputation with Hutt Cartel is Good or higher.
Ashiga Clan
The Ashiga Clan rules the frigid planet of Kijimi, and their not exactly a friendly bunch to outsiders. Get in their good graces, though, and you can get some appropriately bundled-up rewards. If you’re looking to max your defenses and restore as much health as possible, get your reputation up with the Ashiga Clan.
Ashiga Clan rewards
- (Good) Kijimi Explorer Coating Blaster skin
- (Excellent) Ashiga Clan Crest: Restore some health on melee takedowns or finishers.
- (Excellent) Blaster parts bundle: Materials for upgrading your Blaster.
- (Max) Kijimi Explorer Scarf Nix cosmetic
- (Max) Kijimi Explorer Jacket: Increases Adrenaline gained when taking damage, reduces damage taken from blaster and projectile weapons.
- (Max) Kijimi Explorer Belt: Increases Bacta Vial capacity, fully restores health when taking lethal damage.
- (Max) Kijimi Explorer Pants: Greatly reduces damage from explosions when crouched, rolling, or sliding, and health begins to regenerate more quickly after taking damage.
- Equipping all three Kijimi Explorer pieces on Kay greatly reduces damage taken at low health, and defeating enemies with the Blaster while at low health triggers Super Cooling when your reputation with the Ashiga Clan is Good or higher.
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