Raikou has arrived to Max Battles, and here’s your chance to add this Pokémon to your roster, teaching it the best attacks.

When it comes to adding a Legendary Pokémon to your roster in Pokémon Go, the next step is to figure out how to fit them into your teams. Each Pokémon has a limited pool of attacks, such as a Dynamax Raikou, the legendary Electric-type Pokémon from the Johto region.

For those who were able to defeat Dynamax Raikou and catch it, the next step is to figure out where it sits alongside your other Pokémon. You can expect to use it in future Max Battles where you’ll need a powerful Dynamax Pokémon, and the moves you teach it are instrumental to getting the most from this hard-to-find Pokémon. Here’s what you need to know about the best moveset to teach Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon Go.

Dynamax Raikou’s best moveset in Pokémon Go

Raikou is not a flexible Pokémon given it has a limited moveset. As an Electric-type Pokémon only, it is exclusively weak against Ground-type attacks, but is resistant against Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves. Because of its limitations in attacks, we recommend you reserve it to use when battling against Water or Flying-type opponents. The best moveset to teach Raikou is the fast move Thunder Shock and the charged moves Wild Charge and Thunderbolt. However, if you want to give Raikou some diversity in its attack, swap out Thunderbolt for Shadow Ball.

Attack Attack type Damage Type Damage Energy
Thunder Shock Fast move Electric type 4 7
Wild Charge Charged move Electric type 90 50
Thunderbolt Charged move Electric type 80 50

When it comes to selecting a fast move, Thunder Shock is the best choice for Raikou. It’s an attack that only takes half a second to fire off, and it does four damage every time you hit it, generating seven energy for your charged moves. The alternative is Volt Switch, another Electric-type move and an attack that takes a second and a half to use. It does more damage each time you use it, hitting an opponent for 13 damage, and generates 20 energy, but Thunder Shock provides more energy when you compare these two side-by-side. it’s not worth pulling away from Thunder Shock.

Next, we have Raikou’s charged moves. These are the most powerful attacks a Pokémon in Pokémon Go can use, and you’ll use the energy from your fast move to unleash them. Unfortunately, Raikou doesn’t have a massive moveset, and most of its choices are Electric-type. These are all the charged moves that Raikou can learn.

  • Shadow Ball – Ghost type
  • Thunder – Electric type
  • Thunderbolt – Electric type
  • Wild Charge – Electric type

Thunderbolt and Wild Charge are at the top of the list of these options. These attacks only cost 50 energy, and they do the almost the same damage, 80 and 90, respectively. Being an Electric type, Raikou gives them even more strength, making these the must-have choices when using a Dynamax Raikou. For anyone who wants Raikou to counter other Pokémon, swap out Wild Charge for Shadow Ball. It’s a solid Ghost-type move that is great against Ghost or Psychic types.

Is Dynamax Raikou good in Pokémon Go?

As it stands, when you compare Dynamax Raikou against other Pokémon, it’s an okay choice. It’s not a phenomenal Pokémon, but for anyone who is collecting Legendary Pokémon, it never hurts to grab one that can use a Dynamax form. There are other Electric-type Pokémon that you might regularly use instead of Raikou, such as Toxtricity or Zapdos.

You could catch a Shiny Raikou at the end of these battles, which is always a plus. Because it’s a Dynamax Pokémon, expect to level up its Max Moves using Max Particles and a lot of Raikou candy. However, because of its limitations, we don’t recommend it unless you’re sitting on a lot of those candies for Raikou in Pokémon Go.

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